~ The King's Court ~
through the Manipulation of Gentile Leaders ...
The challenge is for anyone to sincerely deny that the interaction & camaraderie displayed here
- between all manner of world
leaders & members of the ultra-Zionist, Chabad-Lubavitch -
is, at the very least, a form of "undue influence"!
Truly, a Picture Speaks a Thousand Words ...
DEFINING ERETZ YISROEL (i.e. 'Greater Israel'):
It is the dream of Zionist Jews, such as the Chabad, that Israel will one day extend from the Litani river in the North [i.e. Lebanon] to the river Nile in the south [i.e. Egypt] to the Euphrates in the West [i.e. Iraq])...
Avrum Burg, former Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, has stated (regarding this 'dream'):
"If Zionism today means Greater Israel, not only am I a post-Zionist, I am an anti-Zionist.
If Zionism is [the illegal settlements of] Netzarim and Kiryat Arba, I am an anti-Zionist. I do not accept the type of Zionism that took Judaism, with all its dazzling beauty, and turned it into the worship of trees and stones.
When I look around today, my feeling is that Netzarim has become an altar, God has become a Moloch (i.e. an idol) and our children have become sacrifices: human sacrifices to terrible idol worship."
Living in Israel for the past twenty years ...
I have come to realize the vitality of Jewish racist notions, and I am more than ever convinced that the hold Judaism will have on this and future generations will be gravely impaired unless these notions are neutralized ..."
What, then, are the views of this movement concerning non-Jews? As an example, let us take the famous Hatanya, fundamental book of
the Habbad movement ...
According to this book, all non-Jews are totally satanic creatures "in whom there is absolutely nothing good."
Even a non-Jewish embryo is qualitatively different from a Jewish one. The very existence of a non-Jew is "inessential,"
whereas all of creation was created solely for the sake of the Jews.”
"According to Judaic law, some men are inherently more equal than others, and no one universal law can cover both the higher
and the lower species. There is one law for the Chosen Minority (i.e. Jews) and another law for the Native and Unwashed
Majority (i.e. Goyim) ...
[For example] a law is just if it is stipulated in general terms, and applied to specifics: Do not murder. ... this prohibition must fit all to
be fair. But in traditional Judaic ethics, “do not murder” means only “you must not kill Jews”. Killing other, (lesser) beings, does
not even qualify as “murder”."
Biblical Scholar and Jewish author, Moshe Greenberg, wrote, in his book, "A Problematic Heritage - The Attitudes Toward the Gentile in the Jewish Tradition: An Israeli Perspective."
"What emerged for me, from the study of the first chapters [of Sefer Hatanya, the central works of the Chabad ultra-Orthodox organization] ... was the discovery that the main stream of
Jewish thought is permeated by genetic spiritual superiority of Jews over Gentiles, disconcertingly reminiscent of racist notions of our time.
Professor Israel Shahak, wrote in his extensively researched book, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years”:
“My final, more general example is, if possible, even more shocking than the others. It concerns the attitude of the Hassidic movement
(i.e. Orthodox Judaism) toward non-Jews.
Noted Israeli Journalist, Israel Shamir, recently stated, whilst giving a talk in Paris upon the release of his latest book:
"We have to recognize that Jewish blood, and the blood of a goy, are not the same thing."
- Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, New York Times, June 6, 1989 "Tob shebe Goyyim harog." "Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed."
Rabbi Simon ben Yohai, Talmud, Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews — all of them in all different levels — is greater and
deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”
Rabbi Kook "The Elder", from the Book, "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6 "The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level.
Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species.
This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world ... A non-Jew's entire reality is only vanity.
The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews."
Rabbi Menachem Scheerson, quoted by Brownfeld in the Washington Report of Middle East Affairs, March 2000, p. 105-106

• 92% of all the land inside the Green Line of Israel is reserved for Jews only; the rest of the land, approximately 8%, is for the non-Jewish people who comprise 20% of the total Israeli population.
Therefore, it is a segregated, apartheid country...
•This is further evidenced by the fact that there are Jews-only by-pass roads that go to Jews-only settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.
•Non-Jews are never given permits to build inside Israel.
• Jews are only allowed to marry fellow Jews inside Israel or else the marriage is not considered valid or legal, therefore there is not religious freedom nor freedom of choice.
• It is against Israeli law for Christians to hand out Christian literature (or for Muslims to hand out Islamic literature) on the streets in Israel, therefore there is no religious freedom.
•Israel is a "Jewish state", whereby all Jews receive preferential treatment in every way, therefore it is NOT a democratic, secular state.
•In fact, non-Jewish Israelis are not allowed to run for office in Israel if they want to run on a platform calling for Israel to transform into a truly democratic, secular country...
• At all Israeli [news]papers, all the journalists are Jewish, therefore there is no "equal representation" even in the media, nothing close to it. NO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for non-Jews.
• Jews from around the world are encouraged by the Israeli government to go to Palestinian Territories and steal Palestinian land using guns for illegal Jewish settlements...
Meanwhile, Palestinians are forced to live under strict curfew, roadblocks, and checkpoints, which strangulate any kind of normal life...
• Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories of the Gaza Strip & the West Bank must pay taxes to Israel yet they do not have the right to vote in Israeli elections. This is taxation without representation. This is tyranny.
•Discrimination is not allowed [by law] in the U.S. but in Israel political leaders openly call for a transfer of non-Jews from Israel. Newspapers constantly print racist, discriminatory articles about non-Jews. Racist, anti-Arab graffitti is everywhere in Israel and allowed to stay there.
•Palestinian refugees, who were chased off their land in terror in 1948 when the Jewish state of Israel was created by the UN who gave away Arab land that was NOT theirs to give away in the first place to Jewish Europeans, have never been allowed to return to their homeland of Palestine-Israel even though it is their right according to UN Resolutions and International Law.
ISRAEL is a fascist, militaristic, anti-democratic, racist, apartheid, ethnic-cleansing, genocidal, intolerant, theocratic, rogue state:

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Friday, November 03, 2006
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